Mud Club

Many of you have heard about the 5AM club, and realistically that isn’t for everyone, so I like to call this the me first club. It’s a place to help get you apply some intentional personal and spiritual development to help you keep coming back to your true self.

Often, I am asked, “What can I do to start my day off right, and where do I do it?”

Well, it starts and ends with you.  

Your mindset, your outlook, your perspectives. 

It’s also about how you manage your energy. Without care and attention you can have all the time in the world, but without tuning in to yourself, it’s hard to know what you’d really need or even want.

I realized that so many people have desires and good intentions but they weren’t sure what to do with them or how to stay on track.  So I came up with The Mud Club.

Shift happens whether you like it or not, but if you get intentional and focused about key aspects of it, you can actually design a life you love, rather than a life you’re not so thrilled with.

The Mud Club is about actual practical magic and getting things done in a way that works.  It’s a space where self accountability shines, and you can truly set yourself up to embrace a new way of being if you try.

The Mud Club; I affectionally call it the “me first” club.  It’s a space in which you learn to put yourself first.

The community lives in a place called Heartbeat. There is a private course area, as well as a member’s only chat area.

It includes:

✨  Weekly Theme /Focus Post

The weekly theme/focus is for ongoing personal development and growth – I write this, and invite folks to reflect on it publicly or privately depending on their comfort level.

✨  I also include a Mid-Week Check in, and End of Week Check In reminder prompt with a specific question for you to sit with.

✨  Every 4 weeks there is a rest week, in which we explore a variety of ways we can rest.


Ready to Rock Your Mud?