Working with Heather means…


You will receive clear, honest and straightforward guidance. Heather will do everything in her ability and power to guide and support you, and meet you as the client, where you are at. What this means is she gently guides and supports, but also doesn’t pull any punches. You will learn about a deeper way of being and aligning with your true self.

Sessions may include a combination of counselling, coaching, intuitive guidance, and energy healing, depending upon what is needed during your appointment.

These appointments are held on Zoom conferencing so we can see one another. In the event of a technological issue or preference, these sessions can be held over the phone..

What is Intuitive Healing?

Individual plants are just as important as the whole garden. Just as all of the individual aspects of YOU and the messages that I receive are interwoven together in a magical unique message and energetic sphere made specifically for you.

How do I Know It’s Right for Me?

  • if you are ready for Real Authentic Wisdom
  • if you are ready to ROCK YOUR MUD
  • if you are ready to make yourself a priority
  • if you are ready to live in alignment with your true self

1:1 Sessions

Monthly Packages and A la Carte Sessions Available

Sessions range in duration depending on the type chosen, these sessions include a mix of counselling, coaching, intuitive guidance, and energy healing, depending upon what is needed during the time of the call, and the session type chosen.

These appointments are held on Zoom conferencing so we can see one another. If preferred, these sessions can be held over the phone.

Appointments with me have always been and will always be a very here and now experience. I view them as stepping into a healing studio, so I call them Sessions.

Whenever I think of the word sessions, I visualize music being composed in a studio. There are frequencies, harmonies, fine tuning, balancing and all the other adjustments that go into composing the piece, just like healing and singing the songs of our soul.

Since I regularly receive messages from Spirit saying to Simplify……These sessions are composed of any or all of the following elements. Channeling from spirit, coaching, mentorship and energy healing.

This approach allows me to provide a deeper level of service in a well-rounded way, with the freedom to be fully in flow and surrender to the guidance given in the moment during your session.

Ready to Rock Your Mud?