I was reflecting this morning on the focus I have on my inner world and the outer world.

I’ve been highly aware of who is saying and sharing what.

I’ve been highly aware of my responses to what is being said and shared.

I’m also aware that my focus, attitude and opinion is incredibly optimistic and forward thinking.

It has taken me years of intentional focus, practice and creativity, to maintain this ability.  To continue to choose it day after day.

What I know for sure is that we are at a time in history where every single thing feels like it is unglued, but what I know in my heart is that it isn’t.

It really, truly isn’t.

The planet is doing what she always does with her seasons and her natural ways.

But many feel as if the planet is in a snow globe, that someone has shaken it, and now not only are the pretty snow like flakes floating around, but all the parts inside have become unglued.

At various points in my life, I have become unglued. Every single time, I get to put all my pieces put back together.

Persistence is Key

Sometimes it took grit and determination, most times it took a razor’s edge shift in perspective or effort. What I know for sure is that nevertheless I persisted.

I declare that every moment in my life is going to be a consciously chosen act, thought, or spoken word.

I choose to persevere, because that’s what I do, it’s what I have always done.

There is no other way for me, there hasn’t been for a very long time.  I know what the other way looks like. I know what the other choices look like.

I’m not throwing my cards in, and I will continue to play this game of life for as long as the Great Mystery will allow it.

I look forward to walking alongside those of you who are with me, in this choosing.