Sorry guys, running a little late this morning. The thought flashed across my mind as if it was spoken word to a committee of people waiting for me at my desk.

I’ve been on so many webinars lately that I find I’m having difficulty wanting to sit at my desk and do my work. That’s when I know it’s time to shift my focus. I haven’t always been tuned in this way though. In the past, I would keep watching, reading and showing up. All great material and excellent for personal and business development, but I wasn’t paying attention to the voice that mattered the most. Mine.

There is a plethora of material out there that can help you along your path, no matter what it is you need to work on, or want to learn more about you can access it. We truly do have a world of knowledge at our finger tips, from computers, to smart phones, to documentaries on Netflix. We can find just about everything we want and learn from it. But what I have embraced is that we must also listen to our own voices. Our own words. Our own direction. Our own little committee.

When I had my thought this morning of advising my little committee that I was running late, it inspired me to reconsider how important it is to listen. It may sound silly to us when we say it or think it, but the reality is, that little voice or committee, knows exactly what you need. I operate from a very intuitive place. What I know I need to do is often very clear. I don’t hear it, I just know it. Sometimes I get into a space of needing to be told. I need to hear the words. My words. Sometimes, in order to really hear it, I will ask, what’s going on today guys? What’s the focus today? What do we need to do today?

What is your voice saying you need today?