No, that’s not the name of a loved one or a fur baby. It’s just sometimes what happens. We wake up grumpy.
Maybe you were startled, maybe you had a rough sleep, maybe you have noticed a discomfort in your body, or maybe you’re just not even sure why you woke up grumpy but you did.
Humaning can be hard right?
So what are
our options?
1 – create a day based on grumpy energy
2 – check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Take the time to pause and notice your breathing. Hand on heart, or not. If you’ve already gotten up, just sit or stand where you are.
Close your
eyes, and breathe.
Now, think of 3 things you’re grateful for before proceeding with your day.
I find this little exercise makes a big difference between starting off with complaints and grumpiness or a gracious and peaceful heart.
Do you practice gratitude? Or are you looking for a place for daily accountability? Join the Rock Your Mud Community on Facebook.