Allow yourself to rest in the valley

Did you know that the valleys are for rest? When you find yourself in the valley, of the tour de hills and valleys – know that the valley is not the place to make decisions from. Consider that the valley is your winter. Winter is rest, renewal, hibernation. Winter is...

This really upset me last week

I am learning how to press the pause button before I react and embody the energy of a keyboard warrior. One of the things I’ve come to accept and appreciate in this life is the teaching from one of my dearest friends, a Shaman, that everything has a purpose, and that...

May 1 2021

Dear Self, You were a good human today. You helped a couple people out and helped get your purple couch delivered to them. You also ate ice cream and now your guts hurt. You do remember that ice cream is dairy right? You tried Yoga today. For the first time in about 5...


Sorry guys, running a little late this morning. This thought flashed across my mind as if it were spoken word to a committee of people waiting for me at my desk. When I’m having difficulty wanting to sit at my desk and work, that’s when I know it’s time to shift my...

Sunday Thoughts

Some days it feels like I haven’t written in ages. Meanwhile it could have only been a day or two or a week. Some days I wonder if I should keep writing for public consumption in small spurts; or if I should keep it all nice and tidy waiting for the book. Some days I...

Welcome Spring!

The start of new things, and the rebirth of others. It is a time to receive all we’ve worked on in the past – and all we’ve nurtured and nourished in seasons previous. We now get to see what blossoms. We now get to experience our work in action. Just...

I Used To Be Afraid of The Dark

It’s 5:30 am in my world. It’s dark. It’s quiet. It’s the day of the new moon, and in some parts of the world, it’s also the night we change the clocks (can we stop this non-sense yet?)…the clock part that is. I mentioned several times...

True Good Happiness

One of the things I used to do to bring me some level of sanity during the most challenging days of my past would be to go for a drive with the tunes cranked. Truth is, it’s still one of my favourite things to do, to unwind. Back then, it was my escape. I could clear...

Mind Gremlins

Oh, how they often take over. We set up to learn how to do something or try to remember something we used to do from long ago. But we just can’t remember. Or we doubt what we are creating. As a writer, I experience this daily. Yes. Daily.The days...

New Year True You

I’m tickled to see how many people are sharing the misconceptions about ushering out the old and bringing in the new with resolutions. I’m equally thrilled with how many people are like ‘whatever, it’s just another day’. I’m falling somewhere on the spectrum of all of...